Sports nutrition for beginners

Sports nutrition for beginners

Going in for sports requires a person not only physical effort, but also proper nutrition. Sports nutrition is a necessary component that helps to achieve better results and improve the overall condition of the body. In this article, we will cover the basics of sports nutrition and give tips for beginner athletes.

Basics of sports nutrition

The balance of macronutrients – proteins, fats and carbohydrates – plays an important role in achieving sports goals. Proteins are essential for muscle growth and repair, fats for healthy skin and hair, carbohydrates for energy.

The optimal ratio of macronutrients depends on the specific goals of each athlete. For example, to gain mass, you need to eat more protein, to lose weight, reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, to increase endurance, reduce the amount of fat.

Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals also play an important role in sports nutrition. They help maintain the health of the body and are necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems. For micronutrients, you can include fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and green leaves in your diet.

Proper nutrition before and after exercise is also important to achieve your athletic goals. Before training, it is recommended to have a light snack, which will provide the necessary energy for exercise. After training, you need to restore energy and protein in the body, which can be done with protein shakes or nutritious snacks.

What should be the right nutrition for a beginner?

The main mistakes that beginners make in nutrition are overeating and eating junk food. Beginners in sports need to understand that the quality of nutrition plays an important role in achieving results.

The optimal diet for beginner athletes depends on the goal they want to achieve. For example, if you want to gain muscle mass, then you need to consume more calories than you burn and increase your protein intake. If your goal is weight loss, then you need to limit the amount of carbohydrates and fats in the diet, and increase the amount of proteins in order to maintain muscle mass and increase metabolism.

Examples of the optimal diet for a beginner athlete

Meal for weight gain:

  • Breakfast: 3 egg omelette, 2 slices of whole grain toast, water-based oatmeal with fruit
  • Snack: banana and nuts
  • Lunch: veal or chicken breast, mashed potatoes, fresh vegetable salad
  • Snack: Greek yogurt with honey and nuts
  • Dinner: fish or seafood, vegetable salad, rice
  • Before bed:Casein based protein shake

Diet for weight loss:

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled eggs, vegetable salad
  • Snack: apple and nuts
  • Lunch: grilled chicken breast or fish, vegetable salad
  • Snack: carrots and Greek yogurt
  • Dinner: grilled veal or chicken breast, vegetable salad
  • Before bed:Casein based protein shake

Endurance Diet:

  • Breakfast: water-based oatmeal with fruit, 2-egg omelette
  • Snack: apple and nuts
  • Lunch: fish or seafood, vegetable salad, rice
  • Snack: Greek yogurt with honey and nuts
  • Dinner: grilled veal or chicken breast, vegetable salad
  • Before bed:Casein based protein shake

Do not forget that the optimal diet for athletes should be individual and adapted to the specific needs of the body. Therefore, you should not copy the diets of other athletes or use universal diets without consulting a professional trainer or nutritionist.

Products necessary for every beginner athlete

One of the main principles of sports nutrition is the use of a variety of products that contain all the necessary macro- and micronutrients. Consider the main types that should be in the diet of an athlete.

Protein products

Proteins are the main building material for muscles, so a sufficient amount of them in an athlete’s diet is extremely important. The best sources of protein are meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts and seeds. The most popular product among athletes is chicken, which contains high quality protein and a small amount of fat. However, do not forget about other sources of protein that can also be included in the diet.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body, so there should be a sufficient amount of them in the athlete’s diet. The best sources of carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, cereals, bread, pasta, and rice. Do not forget about complex carbohydrates, which are found in vegetables, cereals and whole grains, as they provide a long-term supply of energy to the body.


Fats are also an important source of energy for the body, but their consumption should be moderate. The best sources of fats are fish, nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil and vegetable oils.

Vitamins and minerals

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are also important elements necessary for the optimal functioning of the athlete’s body. They perform a variety of functions, such as helping with metabolism, supporting immunity and energy balance, as well as helping to reduce inflammation and increase recovery from exercise.

Vitamins are divided into two categories: fat soluble (A, D, E and K) and water soluble (everything else). Fat-soluble vitamins are found in fats and oils, while water-soluble vitamins are found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats. Minerals are also important to the body and can be obtained from a variety of foods.

Certain vitamins and minerals play a key role in sports nutrition, such as:

  • Vitamin D – helps maintain bone tissue and strengthens the immune system. It is found in oily fish, cheese and eggs.
  • Iron – Needed to transport oxygen through the blood to the muscles. Iron can be obtained from meat, fish, nuts and green vegetables.
  • Calcium – helps maintain bone and muscle condition. Calcium is found in dairy products, hard cheeses, leafy vegetables and fish.
  • Vitamin C – improves iron absorption and helps to recover from workouts. It is found in citrus fruits, berries, green peppers and tomatoes.

Proper nutrition before and after training

Optimal nutrition before and after exercise is a key factor in achieving your fitness goals. Pre-workout meals should provide enough energy to improve physical performance and reduce the risk of injury.

Examples of foods that can be consumed immediately after a workout:

  • protein shakes
  • cottage cheese, eggs
  • fish, chicken
  • oatmeal
  • fruits and vegetables

In addition, proper post-workout nutrition aids rapid recovery and muscle growth. At this time, it is important to eat foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. It is best to consume food within the first hour after a workout, when the muscles are most receptive to nutrients.

The main mistakes in the diet of beginner athletes

  1. Lack of protein. Protein is needed for muscle growth and repair, so a lack of it can lead to loss of muscle mass and slow down the process of muscle growth.
  2. Not enough calories. If you’re exercising and want to achieve certain results, you need to get enough calories. A lack of calories can lead to loss of muscle mass and energy loss.
  3. Too much fat. Fats are important for health, but too much fat will reduce your stamina, and poor dietary choices (e.g. high saturated fat intake) can lead to various diseases.
  4. Carbohydrates in excess. Carbohydrates are important for maintaining energy, but their excess can lead to fat storage, reduced stamina, and weight gain.
  5. Lack of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body, so their deficiency can lead to various health problems.

An example of the optimal diet for mass gain

A good diet should be balanced and include sufficient amounts of protein, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and trace elements.

A diet for mass gain should be high in calories and rich in proteins. For breakfast, scrambled eggs are recommended, which contain high-quality proteins, whole grain bread and oatmeal, which provide the necessary energy to start the day, as well as banana and milk for additional intake of carbohydrates and calcium.

  • Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs, 2 slices whole grain bread, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 banana, 1 cup milk.
  • Snack: 1 apple, 1 Greek yogurt, 1 cup almond milk
  • Lunch: 150 grams of chicken breast, 1 cup of boiled rice, 1 cup of boiled vegetables, 1 cup of low-fat kefir.
  • Snack: 1 white loaf, 50g nuts, 1 cup yogurt
  • Dinner: 150 grams of fried fish, 1 potato, 1 glass of fresh vegetables, 1 glass of green tea.
  • Before bed: 1 banana, 1 glass of milk.

Snacks can consist of fruits, yogurt and nuts. Greek yogurt contains protein and calcium, while apple contains fructose, which helps keep blood glucose levels at an optimal level. Nuts are a rich source of fats and proteins, and also contain vitamins and trace elements.

Lunch should be rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Chicken breast and rice are an excellent source of protein and carbohydrates, while vegetables provide the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. Low-fat kefir is a source of calcium and protein.

It is important not to forget that in order to gain mass, it is necessary not only to monitor the calorie content and composition of the diet, but also to correctly distribute meals throughout the day. It is recommended to eat every 2-3 hours to maintain a constant blood glucose level and prevent catabolism (destruction of muscle tissue).

Snack before dinner should contain proteins and fats. White bread contains carbohydrates, while nuts and yogurt contain protein and fat.

Dinner should also be rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Fish is an excellent source of protein and fat, potatoes are carbohydrates, and fresh vegetables are vitamins and minerals. Green tea contains antioxidants that help reduce stress levels in the body.

Before going to bed, you can consume a banana and milk, which will provide the body with the necessary carbohydrates and calcium for the night.


You should always pay special attention to the quality of the food you eat. To gain mass, you need to eat food rich in proteins and carbohydrates, but at the same time low in fat and cholesterol. Useful sources of proteins are meat (chicken, beef, turkey), fish, eggs, dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese), legumes (beans, peas, lentils). Good sources of carbohydrates are vegetables, fruits, cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat), bread and other cereal products.

It is also important to follow the mode of physical activity. Mass gain is impossible without regular training and physical activity. However, we should not forget that insufficient rest and overwork can lead to the opposite effect, so it is important to rest enough and not overload yourself.

The optimal diet for mass gain should consist of a balanced combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as regular snacks and meals throughout the day. Try to monitor the quality and quantity of food you eat and exercise regularly!


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